Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mule deer trail camera

Here are a couple of pictures, that came up in 2 diferent trail cameras, the deer look in good shape being the pick of the drawght season, yesturday we had some same at the ranch finally, after about 5 moths of no rain. It will be harder to get pictures of the deer, I will be changing them soon.

I like the eye guards on this one, they are pointing to the outside instead of going up, very wide, I am not sure about the forks tough.

Look at those bumped up ears, couple of fights or barb wire?

This is one masive and wide deer that I have been looking up this same camera, looks to have potential, we'll see how it develops.

Couple of deer that come in to water, they mostly come in groups of 4 or 5 bucks.

Might be the same group, but I keep looking for any marks or scares to make out every deer, there is one I call Quijote, since it has a big mark on the right of the shoulders, very easy to point out.

Another group with daylight, I belive this is one of maybe 5 pictures I have with daylight, they all come in when its dark. The buck facing the camera looks much taller then the rest I have been looking at, hopefully it will develop big forks too.

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