Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Cat Camera

It's been 3 year now since I started ussing trail cameras, and I have to admit, it is an addiction. I started out with one camera, placing it only a month before the season and taking it off as soon as the hunting season ended, and now I have 5 at the same time year round.

Since drawght hits hard here in Sonora, the represos (I never know how to say this in english, there is always diferent words, tank, dirt tank, pound, wash, etc) are all dry and I put in some metal tanks with water to keep deer comming in, but this also pulls in coyotes, bob cats, mountain lions.

As you can see and to my amazement, deer and cats can live togheter. It looks like deer are waiting in line for the bobcat to finish and have a sip of water.

This is the one that caught my attention, I know its a small mountain lion, but still, I did not belive they could be together in peace, or that is what I perceive. I haven't found any dead deer.

Here are some other pictures of bob cats hanging out at the same metal tank.

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